Frodo Baggings
Frodo Baggins was born in 2968(1968
S.R.)in Buckland. His parents drowned when he was very young, and he lived in Brandy Hall until Bilbo took him to Bag End and made Frodo his
heir. He was Bilbo's nephew and their birthdays were the same day - the 22nd of September. Frodo lived in Bag End for twelve years till his 33rd birthday and Bilbo's 111th, when Bilbo held a great Birthday Party, leaving everything to
Frodo, and they parted for many years. So he became the second hobbit - the bearer of the Ring. But that time he didn't know
it: "Yet it may be useful" was all he said, but Gandalf
noticed:" It may be useful and may be not". But the wizard had only suspicions that time and didn't say
After the departure of Bilbo he lived in Bag End for 27 years and saw Gandalf rather
seldom. But one spring day the wizard came very anxious and told Frodo the story of the ring that Bilbo left
him. Frodo decided to leave the Shire, and Gandalf counseled him to go to Rivendell as soon as
possible. So Frodo began his quest to Orodruin, the Mount Doom. On the way to Rivendell he was wounded by a Morgul
knife. He was healed by Elrond, one of the few people in Middle-earth who could do
it, but the shadow of this wound remained with him for all his life. The story of his quest is fully told in "The Lord of the
Rings", so there's no reason to retell it here. After his task was
done, Frodo stayed in Minas Tirith for a while with Aragorn and Queen
Arwen, and then left to the North with other hobbits and Gandalf. He lived in Shire for four
years, and during that time he arranged Bilbo's notes and translations, added his own and finished The Red Book which probably was
Silmarillion). He passed over the Sea with Gandalf, Galadriel and other Wise of the previous